
Todays gardening tip is:

"Converting your old useless hose to an economical gardensprinkler"

Many people would just dispose of their garden hose if ithad holes, but you can use your initiative and keep it forwhen the hot weather comes into season. If you connect it tothe tap, and plug the other end, cut the hose in severalplaces - making the holes big enough for water to spray out,and you will now find yourself with a very efficient, moneysaving garden sprinkler!I have used this technique for the last few years and is agreat cost-effective, efficient technique!Stay tuned for your next gardening tip. And find more garden tools.

To your dream garden,

Daniel Murray

P.S. Don't forget to check out
"The Gardener's Handbook" bygoing here: http://www.gardening-explained.com/handbook.html


When I first started gardening I was rubbish! I didn't thinkso at the time though. At the time, I thought I was great! Ipicked up a few tips from helping a friend (Mark) who ownshis own gardening company. I used to work the odd day, hereand there when he was a person short. I used to work withthis guy called Bob. Bob was older then me, and "showed methe ropes".

He'd hand me the tools, show me how to use them,and then I'd just get down to work.The main jobs he gave me where trimming hedges, pickingweeds and clearing leaves.I began to take an interest in gardening very quickly. Infact, it wasn't long before I asked Mark for a full timejob.

He looked at me with a grin and said "...yeah sure". Icould tell he was thinking that he never had me down for agardener.

He probably didn't even think I would do it forthat long!I began full training with Mark and I soon startedto get into the knack of it. After a year, I begandesigning garden's, planting flowers and trees, and I thenstarted working on my own garden at home.I was so into gardening after working for a year with Markthat I bought into his company.

The past year had gone by soquickly because of the enjoyment I got from gardening, yetso slow because it seemed like what took a year to learn,felt more like three!! Over the next few years that passed, my gardening experiencegrew and so did my knowledge as I started coming up withmore and more ideas of my own.As the company grew, we began to take on more staff and as aresult, it took us a long time to get them up to speed (asit did with me when I first started).That's when it hit me...What do I wish, more than anything that I could of had whenI started gardening.

What would have made my life a wholeloteasier and my learning curve that much easier!I'll tell you what I would have wished for. I would havewished for ONE complete and comprehensive guide thatdetailed everything I needed to know about gardening.

Onethat would have saved me the years of learning so that Icould get up to speed with the experts, and QUICK!That's when me and Mark sat down together and thought thisout. We thought "how about creating a gardening book whichis like no other".

Not like them ones you see on the shelfdown at the book store. They're either too general (likeencyclopedias with too much information to sort through),those that are filled with lots of pretty pictures, but verylittle useful information or instruction, or there's thoseguides that are too specialized which are on just one aspectof gardening!

How did we know... because when we started learning how togarden (remember...no one is born knowing how to garden)these were the types of books we came across (maybe you havetoo) and guess what? They didn't help in the slightest! Itwas either information overload or information underload?!So we got cracking...!

We wanted one that was easy enough for one of our newgardener's to go through in a day. One that cover's all thegeneral gardening know-how THAT YOU NEED TO KNOW. It MUST bestripped bare of fluff, and filled only with solid, usefulinstruction.

So that's exactly what we did :)And now we have a JAM PACKED, NO FLUFF, SOLID CONTENT ONLYgardener's handbook which is 100% complete.Now, whenever we have a new member join our company, wehave this fantastic handbook to give them. It doesn't wastetime, and gets them up to speed quick!But then we thought..."Why stop there?".

Why have only our staff get thishandbook while there are still over 5452 people searchingfor gardening help and advice every day online?I know I was one of them people once. But now you have thechance to get what we wish we had when we first started out!If you're either trying to learn about gardening, want thelatest tips and advice, or have already been gardening for awhile now but want to speed things up, then YOU'RE IN LUCK!Because, we decided to make the handbook available to thepublic :-)

Find more Garden tools

And if that wasn't enough, we even went the extra mile andgot a professional speaker to read out the report andrecord it.If you're just the slightest bit tempted to know what I'mtalking then click the link below now, to learn more aboutit:http://www.gardening-explained.com/handbook.html

This is what you need...Don't put yourself off. Take a look and see for yourself:http://www.gardening-explained.com/handbook.htmlTo your dream garden,Daniel MurrayP.S. Why are you still reading this...Nothing is going tomake you an expert quicker than this handbook, so go herenow: http://www.gardening-explained.com/handbook.html
