
By Tec C

Picture this. It's an hour past midnight, the frosty London air is crisp and cold, and three college age kids wrapped in coats and scarves are about to make a break for a public rose bed outcropping across from the British Parliament. Anyone up at this hour couldn't be doing good, right? Not so fast. Reality is, these kids are part of a new wave of volunteers poised to save the ecological world of public green-space, one sidewalk at a time. The concept is Guerrilla Gardening, an idea founded by Richard Reynolds of London, UK. A Guerrilla Gardener seeks out filthy, run-down, parched areas of public green-space and marks it for gardening. Afterwards, often in the still of the night, the Guerrilla Gardener comes back, sometimes with backup, and begins cultivating soil and planting flowers and vegetation to beautify the spot.

The concept is not exactly new, as it has had similar counterparts in other sprawling metropolises, including New York and Philadelphia. But the difference that Guerrilla Gardening presents is that it is often done at night, out of sight, which gives the action a sense of excitement and rebellion. Often, this state of mind is required as public authorities do not sanction forced cultivation of many of these spaces. You need my approval before you can improve my land, in an absurd sense.

With over 1000 members, the idea of Guerrilla Gardening has found its way into many rebellious eco-souls. Anyone with some time and an eye for nature will see the appeal in gardening and garden accessories. In fact, the Sun is setting here in California. Please excuse me as I have a nice patch of dirt on the corner of Los Altos and Gale Blvd. to attend to.

Visiondecor products and blog was the resource and support for this furniture article. More information can be found on things discussed in this article at dining room sets and bedroom sets category locations.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tec_C


By Jeremy Sleigh

The phalaenopsis orchid, otherwise known as the moth orchid is one of the most popular orchid varieties. It's easy to see why because this particular type of orchid is well suited to growing indoors. Phalaenopsis orchid care isn't as easy as one might think though. It still requires a little tender love and care just like any orchid, the positive though is that any orchid care that is specifically needed is quite easy to do. The main flowering season is late winter into spring, though commercial growers today can make flowering phalaenopsis available year round. To make sure your phalaenopsis orchid continues to flower utilize the following tips:


A good amount of light is essential for healthy growth and to make sure your flowers bloom. Provide a good amount of light but NOT direct sunlight, this can severely harm your orchid. You can tell if your phalaenopsis orchid is getting the right light care by looking at its leaves. They should be a medium olive green. If your leaves are dark green or limp then the orchid is receiving too little light and you will need to give it a little more.


To correctly care for your phalaenopsis orchid you will need to ensure the right temperature. Generally a mature plant will need between 15 to 20 F difference between night and day. Again you can check the leaves for this but as a rule of thumb room temperature is ok, just avoid extreme hot or cold areas of the home.


A mature phalaenopsis orchid will not need drying out between watering, but that doesn't mean that you can over water. Give the flower a good soaking first but then leave it for a few days without watering. This is important because it simulates the plants natural environment.


Fertilizer for your phalaenopsis orchid must be provided on a regular basis because most potting media have very little nutrients. Provide The exact fertilizer you use will depend on the mix in which your plant is growing. A good general rule is to use a balanced (10-10-10, 12-12-12 or similar ratio) fertilizer "weakly, weekly." That is, fertilize every week at one quarter to one half of the recommended dilution.

Orchids are a great addition to any home but you must make sure to take care of them properly. There are plenty more orchid care tips you can learn. The best place to start is http://www.orchidcarerevealed.com/ where you can grab free orchid care tips by clicking here
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeremy_Sleigh

By Sarah Blanch

Maintaining a healthy garden requires proper filtration. Water is the most important part of the garden environment. All gardens should be watered using a water filter which removes chlorine from the water from the hose.

Chlorine is very harmful, not only to the plants, but for the insects, microorganisms and bacteria needed to protect the soil and plants. A healthy garden needs bacteria to fertilize the soil, making it a nutritious food source for plants.

The water filters are equipped with replaceable, eco-friendly filters constructed with a copper and zinc alloy. You can make use of the filter hundreds of times before it needs to be replace, so it is an economical investment.

There are other uses for the water filter, as well. Fill wading pools with the filtered water. Your children can play to their hearts content without developing irritated red eyes from chlorine. The filters can also be used for starting a water garden pond or artificial pond. The de-chlorinated water will be safe for Koi and water plants.

A quality garden water filter cleans up to 40,000 gallons of water. This makes it simple and economical. The filter will last up to ten weeks depending upon the size of the filter and how many uses it gets. Some people can get through the whole gardening season with only one filter.
The water filters were developed with ease of use in mind. You don't have to spend hours reading through the owner's manual before the filter can be used. It is basically self-explanatory right out of the box. The water filters are sturdy and strong enough for most household water pressures.

A hose protector is packaged with the water filter. It is designed to prevent the hose pipe from becoming damaged. This also prevents leaking from the joint between the hose and the filter, eliminating puddles of water accumulating.

A thriving, healthy garden can be yours with a water filter attached to your gardening hose. Let the healthy bacteria and insects live in your garden for eco-balanced environment.
Sarah Blanch is an informative writer for house decorating ideas. To learn more about interior decorating check out Home Decor Tips
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sarah_Blanch
