
Here's Today's Bonsai Tip.

Kawita, you probably already know that mostbonsai are purchased at some stage of growth. This
makes it easier for beginners to gradually learn about
the tree and take proper care of it.

However, growing your own bonsai from seeds can
also be a wonderful experience. Of course, this takes
longer, but it can be tremendously rewarding and
satisfying experience as you watch your tree grow
from a single seed to a full grown work of art.

There are many things to consider when growing a
bonsai tree from seeds. Planting in the fall will allow
your bonsai seed to follow a natural growth process.

The soil should not be too wet, but it should be moist.Using a moisture gauge is recommended so you cankeep a close eye on the moisture level.

Growing a bonsai from a single seed takes time, but
once you see the first sprout poking through the topsoil, you're on your way to creating a beautiful workof art.

For much more detail on this process and for manymore tips and advanced techniques, be sure to checkout our ebook --"What You Need to Know About Bonsai Gardening."

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