Tips garden online
By Casey Evens
The first thing to do is make sure the soil is enriched. Plants pull much need nutrients out of the ground when they grow so you need to replace them.
The first way to do this is to add compost. You can make compost by taking kitchen scrapes (not meat or dairy) and mixing them in with leaves or grass clippings. Over time the matter will break down leaving you with a nutrient rich brown soil. Mix the compost in with your regular soil and your plants will love it.
The second way to enrich soil is (hold your breath) horse manure. That's right horse manure is one of the best things to plant you plants in. Right now you're probably thinking to yourself that you don't have horses but you probably know where a horse farm is. Most horse farmers will let you get horse manure as long as you don't mess with their horses. Stop by a local farm and ask if you can have some. You want the older manure that looks like dark brown dirt. It really doesn't smell that bad!
The second thing to do is to plant flowers by your vegetable garden. The logic behind that is that bee's pollinate flowers. The more honey bees that you have around the more the flowers on your vegetable plants will get pollinated. Honeybees are not like wasps. They only sting you if you are a threat to them. I've even pick vegetables along side of honeybees and don't get stung. Now if you have little kids you have to be more careful until they learn to leave the bees alone.
Gardening is a lot of fun to do and can be seriously relaxing. And lets face it, in this day and age any thing that is relaxing and enjoyable is something worth doing! Get more vegetable gardening tips. Check out The Real Gardening Handbook and sign up for Free Gardening Tips and Articles!
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