
"Watering Your Plants"

The majority of plants need an average of 1 inch of waterevery week, but it is essential you check how much watereach specific plant needs as you don't want to over water,neither deprive your plants from the amount of water theyneed.

It is best watering your plants before sunrise reallyas your plants will get the most from the water and it won'tevaporate as much as it would if watering during theafternoon.If you happen to notice any plants drooping, makesure you replenish them with plenty of water quickly - someplants may wilt and will not recover if the plant dries out.Stay tuned for your next gardening tip.

To your dream garden,

Daniel Murray
P.S. Don't forget to check out "The Gardener's Handbook"
bygoing here: http://www.gardening-explained.com/handbook.html

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