
Here's Today's Bonsai Tip

Hi, a lot of beginners feel overwhelmed in caring
for the soil of their bonsai tree. If you feel this way, don't worry -
there are ready made mixtures you can buy until you feel
comfortable mixing your own soil.

When it comes to mixing your own soil, producing a mix
of the right ingredients is a skill of mastery, but it's easier
than you might think.

Proper balance of ingredients is essential. You want to makesure that your bonsai gets all the nutrients it needs.

Preparing a good mixture of organic and inorganic compoundswill depend on the species of bonsai you have, but a 50/50combination of grit and peat is a good starting point.

As your bonsai grows, you can tweak the soil's formulato your own species' particular needs.

For more details and many more tips and advanced methodsof growing amazingly beautiful bonsai, be sure to check outour ebook --
"What You Need to Know About Bonsai Gardening."

Click HERE to check it out.

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