
Hi Kawita,Here's your second sneak preview from HousePlantSecrets.comof the new "1001 House Plant Questions Answered" resource.
Here's your second batch of questions and answers:
Q: What is the best way to make a window sill wide enough tohold potted plants?
A: Just set a 6-inch board on top of or level with thesill and support it on large angle-irons or wood cleatsfastened to the apron under the sill.
Q: What is meant by azalea pots and cyclamen pots?
A: Azalea pots are three-quarters the depth of standard pots.They come in sizes from 6 to 12 inches across. Cyclamen potshave five holes in the bottom instead of one. Sizes are limitedto 5-, 6-, and 7-inch diameters. They are also three-quartersthe depth of standard pots.
Q: Why is it important for soil to be aerated?
A: Air circulating through the spaces around the soilparticles promotes growth of roots and is important tothe existence of soil organisms. A clay pot, being porous,admits a certain amount of air into the soil and thereforekeeps the soil in better condition than does a nonporous pot.If you do use a non-porous pot, the soil can—and should—beaerated by light cultivation of the surface.
Q: My house is very dry and I seem to have to water myplants all the time. Is there any way to cut down on thischore?
A: Here are three ways to reduce evaporation:
(1) Pot plantsin nonporous containers.
(2) Set each clay pot inside a rathertight-fitting glazed container, but be careful not to overwater.If you do, you're likely to create a stagnant pool in the bottomof the outer container and this may soak up into the clay potand rot the roots.
(3) Set each clay pot inside the next-size larger clay pot, and fill the space between with sphagnum mosswhich is kept damp.---And all of this is still just a tiny fraction of the informationinside "1001 House Plant Questions Answered". At a glanceyou'll know "every trick in the book" to:
* Cure your plants...
* Eliminate messy chores...
* Grow flowers and plants nobody else in your neighborhood can grow...* And much, much more...http://www.HousePlantSecrets.com

Here for the first time is specific information on 258of the most popular houseplants - from ableia to zephyr lily.Plus, all the basic questions you have about culture andpropagation for every type of indoor plant.It doesn't matter if you're a casual or fanatic indoorgardener, whether you've got a black thumb or an expertwith a green one - with this single resource you'll haveanswers right at your fingertips - anytime you need them.
Check it out - http://www.HousePlantSecrets.comGo ahead and grab this invaluable resource that beginnerand expert indoor gardeners turn to when they're baffled.Your house plants will thank you. Pretty soon your friendsand neighbors will think you're an indoor gardening geniusand start asking your advice!Sincerely,Yanik SilverPublisher, "1001 House Plant Questions Answered"

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