
By Danny Wright

Keeping your lawn green can be an easy task if you have the proper watering equipment. Without the right equipment, you are only making it difficult on yourself. Everything from a basic hose to an entire sprinkler system can help you keep track of your yard and maintain green grass.

You do not want to be the person on the block with brown grass. Not only does it look unappealing, but it can lower your image on the block. But with the proper watering equipment, there will be no need to worry about this happening to you. When it comes to a watering system, you will find that there are several different kinds to choose from. The most recognized is the kind that is already built into your lawn and is run off of a timer. These are convenient because there is pretty much nothing you have to do to keep your grass green. The system will turn on and water your grass at whatever time you have set.

On the other hand, there are simple sprinkler systems that allow you to attach to your hose. When you want to water a different part of the grass, you just grab the hose and the spout and move it over. This will take more time and effort on your part, but for a smaller lawn there still is not much work at all. As for the most work, standing out with a hose and watering your grass will take the duration you opt to water your yard for. If it is a nice early evening, it can actually be enjoying sitting out and relaxing. But if you do not have the time or patience, watering your grass with a hose can be a nuisance.

Another piece of watering equipment you will want is a space saver reel for your hose. This allows you to keep your hose in an organized manner on the side of the house without it taking over the entire path. It will also make it much easier to pull out the next time you want to use it. Is it a necessity? No, but it certainly is convenient. Sticking with the hose theme, having a spray head to attach to the end of your hose can make it much easier to adjust the power when you are watering. This way you can mist the flowers or spray a little harder on your grass.

Whatever system or watering equipment you choose to go for, just make sure it is efficient enough to keep your lawn looking good. While a reel is not necessary for your hose, it can be convenient and nice to have. Although an automatic sprinkler system is not necessary, it too is convenient on you. It is up to you to decide what watering equipment you truly need. Just make sure to get enough to keep the grass green and the lawn looking good.

Danny Wright is the webmaster for MerchantLand.com. We can help you keep your lawn looking green with right watering equipment Come and checkout the wide variety of things we have available.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Danny_Wright


Kawita, you probably already know that mostbonsai are purchased at some stage of growth. This
makes it easier for beginners to gradually learn about
the tree and take proper care of it.

However, growing your own bonsai from seeds can
also be a wonderful experience. Of course, this takes
longer, but it can be tremendously rewarding and
satisfying experience as you watch your tree grow
from a single seed to a full grown work of art.

There are many things to consider when growing a
bonsai tree from seeds. Planting in the fall will allow
your bonsai seed to follow a natural growth process.

The soil should not be too wet, but it should be moist.Using a moisture gauge is recommended so you cankeep a close eye on the moisture level.

Growing a bonsai from a single seed takes time, but
once you see the first sprout poking through the topsoil, you're on your way to creating a beautiful workof art.

For much more detail on this process and for manymore tips and advanced techniques, be sure to checkout our ebook --"What You Need to Know About Bonsai Gardening."


Do you want to realize your vision
of the perfect bonsai?

There are lots of tools out there that will help you
create a beautiful work of art. But the most useful
tool of all is simply your imagination.

Do you have an idea of what you want your bonsai
to look like? If you do, what you'll want to do is
draw it on paper. You don't have to be an artist,
just do your best. Draw everything from the pot,
up to the very top of the tree.

Envision everything from the shape of the trunkto the way the branches curve, to the shape ofthe leaves...

Shaping a bonsai is a wonderful journey, and avery enjoyable one too. And have a drawing of
what you want your bonsai to look like will help
you stay focused. As your bonsai grows, your
vision might change and your work of art will take
on a shape of it's own which is a beautiful thing to see.

For more tips and advanced techniques on howto grow amazingly beautiful bonsai, check out ourebook "What You Need to Know About Bonsai Gardening." You must have your garden tools .

Click HERE to check it out.

Until next time......


By Anne Clarke

Cedar is a very popular material especially for garden furniture. There are garden benches of many other sorts, of course, but cedar garden benches come in all sorts of sizes and in plain as well as several decorative styles and can add a touch of elegance that will impress your guests and show off your personal taste. Make your garden beautiful this season, and buy a garden bench that will last and last!

Well-made cedar garden benches will remain in good shape for a long time, and do not require any considerable amount of upkeep such as refinishing etc. Such benches are the kind of garden benches that, if you choose to purchase one, will become a wonderful asset to you garden. Your cedar garden benches will require very little maintenance.

Multi purposed:
There are cedar garden benches made for watching the birds and the flowers, which also double as outdoor seating and even garden benches and table sets that can serve as outdoor dining areas.

With hundreds of cedar garden benches to choose from, you can create an outdoor focal point for your yard or garden. Your bench or benches will complement your existing indoor or outdoor wood garden furniture by matching the look you are going for.

There are cedar garden benches with full backs and armrests for just sitting back and relaxing in, some come in straight designs, some come in more abstract designs, and some come in more arched or elegant designs.

Some cedar benches are more stylish, but a little more plain than the more luxurious styles available, and others have a unique, design just by adding a few extra decorative touches. But any backless garden benches can add a beautiful touch to your home.

When you choose a more streamlined look by purchasing a backless bench you can sit facing any direction for the perfect view. Watch the sunrise and watch the sunset all from the same picturesque backless bench. Some of these cedar garden benches are offered with curling decorative armrests on either side, and some have no armrests at all.

In the flower garden:
Cedar garden benches can add a beautiful touch to your garden and can even become the focal point of your garden and attract special attention to the area in which you choose to put it. Some cedar garden benches seem to be made especially for sitting down and admiring the flowers.
Teatime cedar garden benches:

Many cedar benches are elegant, and some are quaint. Some especially are designed for sitting in your yard or garden or on your patio or porch for eating and drinking either meals or in between meals. So have a cup of coffee or tea and a snack with friends in style. These cedar furniture often comes in sets, using extra chairs and wooden tables as well. Garden benches are perfect for a get together, a card game, for a cup of tea, or just for a relaxing time at home.

In the yard:
A cedar garden bench might just be perfect place for “sitting the next one out” and resting in the shade as you watch. Under the shade of the trees, by the pool or the volleyball net, cedar garden benches are perfect if you just want to sit back and watch.

Pick one that fits your personal style and you will enjoy the individuality that cedar garden benches can bring to your garden as well, sit and relax through the season on your cedar garden bench. Let a cedar garden bench help dress up your yard or garden and create that great look you are going for.

Your cedar garden bench or benches will definitely be a big part of what gives your yard or garden that picturesque look you want. Cedar benches can even add a graceful touch to the view of your garden from the window in the kitchen, living room, bedroom, dining room, or whatever window faces it.

Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for websites on gardening, parenting, fashion, and home decor. Her background includes teaching and gardening. For more of her articles on garden furniture and accessories please visit Garden Furniture.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anne_Clarke


Hi, a lot of beginners feel overwhelmed in caring
for the soil of their bonsai tree. If you feel this way, don't worry -
there are ready made mixtures you can buy until you feel
comfortable mixing your own soil.

When it comes to mixing your own soil, producing a mix
of the right ingredients is a skill of mastery, but it's easier
than you might think.

Proper balance of ingredients is essential. You want to makesure that your bonsai gets all the nutrients it needs.

Preparing a good mixture of organic and inorganic compoundswill depend on the species of bonsai you have, but a 50/50combination of grit and peat is a good starting point.

As your bonsai grows, you can tweak the soil's formulato your own species' particular needs.

For more details and many more tips and advanced methodsof growing amazingly beautiful bonsai, be sure to check outour ebook --
"What You Need to Know About Bonsai Gardening."

Click HERE to check it out.

Hi Kawita,Here's your second sneak preview from HousePlantSecrets.comof the new "1001 House Plant Questions Answered" resource.
Here's your second batch of questions and answers:
Q: What is the best way to make a window sill wide enough tohold potted plants?
A: Just set a 6-inch board on top of or level with thesill and support it on large angle-irons or wood cleatsfastened to the apron under the sill.
Q: What is meant by azalea pots and cyclamen pots?
A: Azalea pots are three-quarters the depth of standard pots.They come in sizes from 6 to 12 inches across. Cyclamen potshave five holes in the bottom instead of one. Sizes are limitedto 5-, 6-, and 7-inch diameters. They are also three-quartersthe depth of standard pots.
Q: Why is it important for soil to be aerated?
A: Air circulating through the spaces around the soilparticles promotes growth of roots and is important tothe existence of soil organisms. A clay pot, being porous,admits a certain amount of air into the soil and thereforekeeps the soil in better condition than does a nonporous pot.If you do use a non-porous pot, the soil can—and should—beaerated by light cultivation of the surface.
Q: My house is very dry and I seem to have to water myplants all the time. Is there any way to cut down on thischore?
A: Here are three ways to reduce evaporation:
(1) Pot plantsin nonporous containers.
(2) Set each clay pot inside a rathertight-fitting glazed container, but be careful not to overwater.If you do, you're likely to create a stagnant pool in the bottomof the outer container and this may soak up into the clay potand rot the roots.
(3) Set each clay pot inside the next-size larger clay pot, and fill the space between with sphagnum mosswhich is kept damp.---And all of this is still just a tiny fraction of the informationinside "1001 House Plant Questions Answered". At a glanceyou'll know "every trick in the book" to:
* Cure your plants...
* Eliminate messy chores...
* Grow flowers and plants nobody else in your neighborhood can grow...* And much, much more...http://www.HousePlantSecrets.com

Here for the first time is specific information on 258of the most popular houseplants - from ableia to zephyr lily.Plus, all the basic questions you have about culture andpropagation for every type of indoor plant.It doesn't matter if you're a casual or fanatic indoorgardener, whether you've got a black thumb or an expertwith a green one - with this single resource you'll haveanswers right at your fingertips - anytime you need them.
Check it out - http://www.HousePlantSecrets.comGo ahead and grab this invaluable resource that beginnerand expert indoor gardeners turn to when they're baffled.Your house plants will thank you. Pretty soon your friendsand neighbors will think you're an indoor gardening geniusand start asking your advice!Sincerely,Yanik SilverPublisher, "1001 House Plant Questions Answered"


Everyone wants to find ways to get more for less. The pursuit ofefficiency is entirely logical. It can also be especiallyimportant. Consider natural resources. We know we use them, butwouldn't it be great to get more from them while using less ofthem?

Hydroponics is a perfect example of the kind of ecologicalefficiency that everyone should embrace. Hydroponics involvesgrowing plants without the use of soil.

A good hydroponic system uses less than half as much water as anytraditional growing strategy, so it's efficient right off the bat.If you look closer, though, it gets even better. Not only does ituse less scarce water, it actually produces more produce.

Hydroponics can often produce four hundred percent more plantgrowth than traditional techniques.If you're like most people, you love getting more for less. That'sone great reason to love hydroponics!

As you may already know, watering your bonsai is a critically important skill too have.Using improper techniques to water your bonsai canbe very harmful to and may cause severe damage toyour tree.

For example, over watering is a common mistake.Too much water can cause root rot, growth of fungi,and even death of the tree. But don't worry, thereare easy ways to make sure you're watering properly.

This may sound overly simple, but a very effective andquick way of checking to see if your bonsai needsmore water is to take one finger, and poke it intothe soil. If it feels dry, your bonsai needs morewater. Another way to ensure that moisture is consistentfrom trunk to root tip, is to water your bonsai daily.

As you get in the habit of watering your bonsai, youwill develop an instinct for when your bonsai needswater - and your bonsai will be very happy.

For more details on watering your bonsai, and many moretips and advanced techniques on how to grow amazinglybeautiful bonsai, be sure you check out our ebook --"What You Need to Know About Growing Bonsai."

Click HERE to check it out.

Until next time...

14781 Memorial DriveSuite # 889Houston, TX 77079


Technorati Profile
Hello kawi

Here is my article "Mulching For The Garden"-

I hope you enjoy it and learn from it. if you have any questions, just let me know.

What is mulching?
Mulching enriches andprotects soil, helping provide abetter growing environment.
In your garden
Mulching is one of the simplest and most beneficial practices you can use in the garden. Mulch is simply a protective layer of a material that is spread on top of the soil. Mulches can either be organic--such as grass clippings, straw, bark chips, and similar materials--or inorganic-- such as stones, brick chips, and plastic.

Both organic and inorganic mulches have numerous benefits.

o protects the soil from erosion
o reduces compaction from the impact of heavy rains
o conserves moisture, reducing the need for frequent waterings
o maintains a more even soil temperature
o prevents weed growtho keeps fruits and vegetables clean
o keeps feet clean, allowing access to garden even when damp
o provides a "finished" look to the garden

Organic mulches also improve the condition of the soil. As these mulches slowly decompose, they provide organic matter which helps keep the soil loose. This improves root growth, increases the infiltration of water, and also improves the water-holding capacity of the soil.
Organic matter is a source of plant nutrients and provides an ideal environment for earthworms and other beneficial soil organisms.
While inorganic mulches have their place in certain landscapes, they lack the soil improving properties of organic mulches.
Inorganic mulches, because of their permanence, may be difficult to remove if you decide to change your garden plans at a later date.
Therefore, this tip sheet is limited to the use of organic mulches.

Mulch materials

You can find mulch materials in your own yard! Lawn clippings make excellent mulch. While not particularly attractive for a flower bed, they work wonderfully in the vegetable garden.
The fine texture allows them to be spread easily even around small plants.

However, grass clippings are becoming scarce because of the increased popularity of mulching lawnmowers that provide many of the same benefits of mulching to lawns. Newspaper, as a mulch,works especially well to control weeds.

Leaves are another readily available material to use as mulch. Leaf mold, or the decomposed remains of leaves, gives the forest floor its absorbent spongy structure. Compost makes a wonderful mulch if you have a large supply.

Compost not only improves the soil structure but provides an excellent source of plant nutrients. Bark chips and composted bark mulch are available at garden centers. These make a neat finish to the garden bed and will eventually improve the condition of the soil.

These may last for one to three years or more depending on the size of the chips or how well composed the bark mulch is. Smaller chips tend to be easier to spread, especially around small plants.

Depending on where you live, numerous other materials make excellent mulches. Hay and straw work well in the vegetable garden, although they may harbor weed seeds. Seaweed mulch, ground corn cobs, and pine needles can also be used. Pine needles tend to increase the acidity of the soil so they work best around acid-loving plants such as blueberries.

When to apply mulch

Time of application depends on what you hope to achieve by mulching. Mulches, by providing an insulating barrier between the soil and the air, moderate the soil temperature. This means that a mulched soil in the summer will be cooler than an adjacent unmulched soil;

while in the winter, the mulched soil may not freeze as deeply. However, since mulch acts as an insulating layer, mulched soils tend to warm up more slowly in the spring and cool down more slowly in the fall than unmulched soils. If you are using mulches in your vegetable garden , it is best to apply them after the soil has warmed up in the spring.

Cool,wet soils tend to slow seed germination and increase the decay of seeds and seedlings. If adding additional layers of mulch to existing perennial beds,wait until the soil has warmed completely.

Mulches used to help moderate winter temperatures can be applied late in the fall after the ground has frozen but before the coldest temperatures arrive. Applying mulches before the ground has frozen may attract rodents looking for a warm over-wintering site.

Delayed applications of mulch should prevent this problem as, hopefully, the creatures would already have found some other place to nest! Mulches used to protect plants over winter should be loose material such as straw, hay, or pine boughs that will help insulate the plants without compacting under the weight of snow and ice.

One of the benefits from winter applications of mulch is the reduction in the freezing and thawing of the soil in the late winter and early spring. These repeated cycles of freezing at night and then thawing in the warmth of the sun cause many small or shallow rooted plants to be heaved out of the soil. This leaves their root systems exposed and results in injury or death.

Mulching helps prevent rapid fluctuations in soil temperature and reduces the chances of heaving. Applying mulch

1. Begin by asking yourself the following questions.

What do I hope to achieve by mulching?
Weed control? Moisture retention?
Soil improvement? Beautification?

How large is the area to be mulched?

How much mulch will I need to cover the area?

Mulch is measured in cubic feet. As anexample, if you have an area 10 feet by 10feet and you wish to apply 3 inches of mulch,you would need 25 cubic feet. (10' x 10' x.25' = 25 cu. ft.)

2. Determine what mulch material to use andpurchase or accumulate what you need.
Mulch can often be purchased bagged or bulkfrom garden centers. Bulk may be cheaper ifyou need large volumes and have a way to haulit. Bagged mulch is often easier to handle,especially for smaller projects. Most baggedmulch comes in 3-cubic feet bags.



Collect leaves in the fall.

Chop with a lawnmower or shredder. Whole leaves tend to compact if wet or blow away if dry. Chopping will reduce the volume and facilitate composting.

Compost leaves over winter. Some studies haveindicated that freshly chopped leaves mayinhibit the growth of certain crops.Therefore, it may be advisable to compost theleaves over winter before spreading them.

Grass clippings-Spread them immediately to avoid heating and rotting.

Newspaper-Save your own newspapers.

Smaller chips are easier to spread, especially around small plants. When spreading mulch around trees, keep the mulch an inch or two away from the trunk. A couple inches of mulch is adequate. There is no need to apply the mulch 6 or 8 inches high, as often is seen. Similar to bark mulch. If using fresh wood chips that are mixed with a lot of leaves, composting may be beneficial.

Best to chop and compost before spreading. If using dry leaves, apply about six inches deep. Thicker layers tend to compact and rot, becoming quite slimy and smelly. Add additional layers as clippings decompose. Do not use clippings from lawns treated with herbicides. Apply sheets of newspaper and cover lightly with grass clippings or other mulch material to anchor. If other mulch materials are not available cover edges of paper with soil.

Applying on a windy day can be a problem.
Use only newspaper text pages (black ink);
color dyes may be harmful to soil microfloraand fauna if composted and used.Use 3 or 4 sheets together, anchored withgrass clippings or other mulch material toprevent blowing away.

The amount of mulch to apply will bedetermined by the mulch material you areusing.

General Guidelines:
Do not apply mulch directly in contact withplants.
Leave an inch or so of space next toplants to help prevent diseases flourishingfrom excessive humidity.

Remove weeds before spreading mulch. Barkmulch and wood chips are sometimes used withlandscape fabric or plastic.
The fabric orplastic is laid on top of the soil and thencovered with a layer of bark chips. A cautionto this practice: while the plastic or fabricmay initially provide additional protectionagainst weeds, as the mulch breaks down,weedswill start to grow in the mulch itself. Thebarrier between the soil and the mulch alsoprevents any improvement in the soilcondition and makes planting additionalplants more difficult.

kawi I will send you more gardeningarticles soon ... so stay tuned!
You can learn more with your own copy of "TheGardener's Handbook" that you can easilydownload here: http://thegardenerbook.com/Of course you will also get the audio-book,so you can listen to the whole book while youare driving to your office, are out in thegarden or do whatever you want!If you have any questions, just let me know!Sincerly,Markus Bauerhttp://thegardenerbook.com/Markus Bauer, 47 W. Division St. #211, Chicago, IL 60610

Compost Queries

Technorati Profile

I'm always getting asked what the perfect compost mix is andto be honest it is difficult for me to give an answer as Ilearnt how to blend my compost through gardening experience!However, there are some key points to remember when creatingyour compost. First of the carbon - nitrogen mix needs to beright but again is learnt with experience as you can onlylearn by your mistakes!

You get carbon in the woody, drier resources such as woodchips, straw, hay, sawdust etc and nitrogen from the greenermaterials, a basic example being grass cuttings you are leftover with when mowing the lawn! Once mastered your plantsand flowers will be blooming like wildfire!

Stay tuned for your next gardening tip.

To your dream garden,

Daniel Murray

P.S. Don't forget to check out

"The Gardener's Handbook" bygoing here:



By Steven Cancel

One of the newest crazes that are catching on with homeowners is the koi pond. Koi ponds are in ground water gardens that contain koi fish and are deep enough to support life year round even in colder winter climates. Many homeowners are finding it to be a great addition to their front or backyard. The can add great scenery and a tranquil environment for you to relax in.

There are two different ways to add a koi pond to your home. First of all, you could call a landscaping company to add one for you. Many landscaping companies have added this to their list of services due to its popularity. This would be as simple as looking thru the yellow pages and calling landscaping companies to see if they offer this service and see what the prices are. Once their service is completed all you would have to do is add the fish that you choose.

The second way to add a koi pond to your home would be to install it yourself. This way will require a little more patience and dedication. You would first have to start with digging a hole for the pond. It is recommended that the hole is a least 4 feet deep and 4-5 feet wide. Then you would have to install your pond liner. You must install a liner or else you will risk getting debris into your pond from the ground. Then you need to install your filtration system.

Flirtation systems can be tricky, so your best bet would be to go into your local pet shop and let them know your needs and dimensions of your pond. Your next step would be to add plants and vegetation to your pond. Types of plants and vegetation you should use depend on the type of climate you live in and can be researched online. Your final step would be to pick out your koi fish and add them to your pond.

Many people do not want this to be the last step in finishing their koi pond but instead add other decorative elements to their pond. These decorative elements can include decorative rocks, sculptures, and decorative redwood bridges which come in many different shapes and varieties. All of these items can be purchased online rather than fishing around at a local store for each item.

Both of these ways are good methods of adding a koi pond to your backyard. You just have to choose which method is best for you. Either way you do it, once your pond is complete it will be there for you to enjoy for years to come.

Add a Garden Bridge to your koi pond. Article written and distributed by Steve Cancel, IT Manager of Michigan Computer Repair.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steven_Cancel
