Tips garden online
Selecting the right tree for the right placeis a good first step in any landscape design,but proper planting also is important forgetting your tree off to a good start. Treesare like all living creatures. They requiremore attention in the beginning to promote along, healthy life.
Carefully choose the planting site. Trees aredifficult to move once they are established.Check with local authorities for regulationson placement of trees. Some communities haveordinances restricting placement of treeswithin a specified distance of a street,sidewalk, streetlight, or other utilities. BEFORE DIGGING, make sure that allunderground utilities are clearly marked. Youwouldn't want to cut off the electric powerto your community or risk injury.
Carefully follow the planting instructionsthat come with your tree. If specificinstructions are not available, follow thesetips:
Dig a hole about twice the size of the tree'sroot ball, or about one foot wider than theroot system. The hole should be slightlyshallower than the root ball. If the soil isespecially heavy or wet, consider plantingthe tree slightly higher. Remove allmaterials from the root mass. This includeswires, string, burlap, and biodegradablecontainers. Neglecting this will hinderproper root growth. Gently place the tree inthe center of the hole and position it togrow straight.
If the tree has a prettierside, place it in the direction mostfrequently viewed. If planting a bare roottree, carefully spread the roots. Crumble thesoil removed from the hole and cover theroots with it. As you add soil to fill inaround the tree, lightly tamp the soil tocollapse air pockets, or add water to helpsettle the soil. Air pockets around the rootscan be devastating to a newly planted tree.Add about four inches of mulch--wood chips,base of the tree, extending out to the tips shredded bark, or grass clippings--around thebase of the tree, extending out to the tipsof the outermost branches. A 3-foot diametercircle of mulch is common. Mulching willretain moisture, reduce weeds, maintain amore even soil temperature, and eliminatemowing next to the delicate bark. Be sure topull the mulch away from the tree trunkbecause decomposing mulch can cause rotproblems. Finally, give the tree a thoroughwatering. If the root ball is extremely dry,allow water to trickle into the soil byplacing the hose at the trunk of the tree.Young trees need protection against rodents,frost cracks, sunscald, lawnmowers, and weedwhackers. Plastic guards are an inexpensiveand easy control method. Light colored treewraps can be used to protect the trunk fromsunscald. Usually, staking trees is notnecessary unless you live in an area withhigh winds.
A properly planted and maintained tree willgrow much faster and live much longer thanone that is incorrectly planted. Trees can beplanted almost anytime of the year as long asthe soil is not frozen. However, early fallis the optimum time to plant trees. For thefirst year or two, especially after a week orso of extremely hot or dry weather, watchyour tree closely for signs of moisturestress. If you see leaf wilting or hard,caked soil, water the tree well and slowlyenough so the water soaks in rather than runsoff. Take the time to give your tree a good starton life. You and the next generation willenjoy the benefits of your backyard tree foryears to come.
kawi I will send you more gardeningarticles soon ... so stay tuned!You can learn more with your own copy of "TheGardener's Handbook" that you can easilydownload here:
Of course you will also get the audio-book,so you can listen to the whole book while youare driving to your office, are out in thegarden or do whatever you want!Did you listed to the audio book sample already?it is here: you have any questions, just let me know!Sincerly,Markus Bauer
By Hilary Basile
White roses are loved for their beauty and fragrance. They are cultivated for a variety of landscape effects or for cutting. Following are tips on planting and maintenance of your white rose garden whether you’re a novice or an experienced rose gardener.
Planting Your White Rose Garden
After purchasing the bushes for your white rose garden, remove any packing material around the root, and allow the roots to soak overnight in a bucket of water. Make sure the hole you dig is large enough for your rose bush to spread out its roots. Roses will grow best in protected spots with full sun. The plants require at least 8 to 10 hours of sunlight per day for optimum growth. The soil should be rich with nutrients from compost, or other organic material, as nitrogen is a necessity for beautiful blooms.
Create a small cone of soil in the center of the hole and place the bush on top of it. Spread the roots out around it. Once your rose bush is properly seated, add a mixture of half water and half soil. This allows for any air trapped in the soil to escape. Finish filling the hole with soil and water the bush again. To prevent disease, water your rose bushes at the roots only.
White Rose Garden Maintenance
Now that your white rose garden has been properly planted, it will require regular maintenance. Water your roses no more than two times per week with only an inch of water each time (unless you live in a hot climate). Never use any plant or flower food not specifically labeled for roses. Roses require a nitrogen- and iron-rich food base.
Adding a 2 to 4 inch layer of organic mulch will help deter weeds, improve the garden’s appearance and prevent moisture loss. Leave several inches around the stem of each plant un-mulched. As the mulch decomposes, it will use up the soil nitrogen. Apply a fertilizer mix around the base of the plants, dibble it into the soil and water well.
Prune your white roses when they are dormant to improve the health of the plant and control the shape. First, remove any leaves that remain on the plant. Next, remove any dead, diseased or injured wood (look for branches with a different color). One way to tell if you should trim a branch is to cut off a bit from the tip of the stem. If it’s green inside then it’s alive. If the stem is brown inside, trim it.
Remove any branches which cross through the center of the plant to improve air circulation. Place the blade of a pruning shear flat against the stem to remove the branch. This will prevent new growth from forming and inhibiting air circulation once again.
After pruning, rake up any fallen leaves from under the plant and spray with a copper and lime mixture or a lime and sulfur spray to kill insect eggs.
Use these planting and maintenance tips to enjoy your white rose garden for years.
And find more gardening tools.
Hilary Basile is a writer for - you will find valuable tips and resources for handling life’s major events. Whether you’re planning a wedding, buying your first home, anxiously awaiting the birth of a child, contending with a divorce, searching for a new job, or planning for your retirement, you’ll find answers to your questions at Find lawn and garden tips and resources at
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ป้ายกำกับ: Garden Tips, Gardening Tools
By Cindy Heller
Flower gardens can grow wild or can be in a specified spot in your backyard, like a flower bed. You can mix and match flowers and have a different colors to improve your scenery. You can choose from annuals that will last a whole year, perennials plants that live more than 2 years, and biennials plants that take 2 years to complete their life cycle.
I would recommend you to plant a rose garden. There is something almost spiritual about rose gardens. From their heady fragrance to their delicate blooms, walking through a rose garden is a peaceful experience. Growing a rose garden isn't difficult, yet many gardeners complain that their roses are never as beautiful as they would like them to be. If you struggle to grow roses, follow these easy steps and your rose gardens will be the envy of your neighborhood.
1. How can you create a beautiful flower gardens filled with roses? Roses like to be fed. They should be fed consistently. The best way to feed your roses is to sit down in the winter with a calendar and write out a feeding schedule for your rose garden. Once you have established your feeding schedule, stick to it. It doesn't do your roses much good to feed them sporadically. Some people like to use a slow release fertilizer, but roses truly do best when a strong organic fertilizer is applied routinely.
Some great fertilizers for your rose gardens include composted fertilizer and blood meal. Roses love a high nitrogen feed, so if you make your own compost, make sure you put in lots of grass clippings to really add nitrogen to your soil.
2. Roses need about two inches of water a week. If you don't get that kind of rainwater in your area, it is vital to water them every few days. You can cut down on the amount of water you need to give them by hand if you are hard-working about mulching your roses. Mulching is a fantastic way to keep the roots of your roses from stressing. It is also great for weed control. Weeds compete with your roses for vital nutrients and water, so when you mulch your rose gardens, you help your roses get the most from the soil that surrounds them.
The best mulch you can use is grass clippings or compost that holds many nitrogen rich grass clippings. When you mulch with grass clippings you are helping feed the soil that will feed your roses.
3. It seems a mockery to cut back your roses, but in reality, when you trim your rose garden you are ensuring beautiful blooms for seasons to come. Always deadhead spent roses by cutting them back to their second set of leaves. This will allow for more blooms to come out in the current season.
Make sure that you give your roses a good pruning in the early part of spring. Cut away every piece of dead or diseased wood. Once you have removed the damaged wood, step back and shape your bush. Make sure you thin out the branches so that each one has room for air to circulate, keeping your roses free from mildew and rot.
You will need to decide if you want your flowers to grow wild in certain spots, like a pathway to a bench or the entrance to your home. You may even decide to pick a certain spot in your yard and decided to put little flower gardens there, like in front of your home for everyone to see. You can have fun experimenting with different plants and mixing a combination of annuals with perennials or vice versa and don't forget to mix in biennials plants.
All flowers have their own temperament and you want to be accommodating, otherwise you won't have much of a flower garden. Some flowers grow better in certain regions than others due to the soil and climate, so make sure to select the right flowers for your region. Also verify when it is the perfect time to plant your flower gardens so you can be prepared and ready to go when the time is right.
You may even employ a professional gardener to do the landscaping for you. The gardener should be able to tell you which flowers would suit your yard the best and allow you to pick your own arrangement for him/her to make your vision complete. You don't want to over clutter your yard or it could look more like a wild field than a flower garden. You should also consider the time that will be spent on maintaining your flower gardens, because you want it to look nice, not run down.
Cindy Heller is a professional writer. Visit one stop gardens to learn more about raised bed gardens and flower gardens.
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3. ใส่ปุ๋ยคอกและปุ๋ยยูเรีย โรยสลับกันเป็นชั้นๆ หรือผสมคลุกเคล้ากับวัสดุ แล้วใส่ลงในหลุมหรือบ่อซีเมนต์ที่เราเตรียมไว้
4. กดกองวัสดุให้อัดตัวกัน แต่อย่าให้แน่นเกินไป เพื่อให้เกิดความร้อนภายในกองปุ๋ยหมัก หมั่นกลับกองปุ๋ยหมักเพื่อให้มีการเติมอากาศเข้าไป
5. ระยะเวลาการย่อยสลายของวัสดุขึ้นอยู่กับชนิดของวัสดุและกระบวนการที่เกิดขึ้น อาจใช้เวลาประมาณ 1-2 เดือน ถ้าเห็นว่าปุ๋ยหมักมีสีเข้มก็นำไปใช้ได้ค่ะ ลองใช้มือบดถ้าสามารถขาดออกจากกันได้ง่าย มีกลิ่นคล้ายกลิ่นธรรมชาติ ไม่ฉุน หรือเหม็นรุนแรง หากทำในบ่อซีเมนต์ สามารถเก็บปุ๋ยหมักที่ร่วงจากตะแกรงไปใช้ได้เลยค่ะ
คุณสมบัติของปุ๋ยหมัก :
ปุ๋ยหมักมีคุณสมบัติในการปรับปรุงโครงสร้างดินให้ร่วนซุย ระบายน้ำและถ่ายเทอากาศได้ดี อุ้มน้ำรักษาความชื้นในดิน จึงเหมาะที่จะนำไปปลูกต้นไม้ เพราะรากของต้นไม้จะสามารถชอนไชและเจริญเติบโตได้ดีก ทำให้ต้นไม้ดูดน้ำและธาตุอาหารในดินได้มาก
ทั้งยังมีส่วนเร่งการทำงานของจุลินทรีย์ที่เป็นประโยชน์ในดิน ช่วยยึดธาตุอาหารในดิน และปลดปล่อยธาตุอาหารในดินออกมาอย่างช้าๆ
การนำไปใช้ :
ใช้รองก้นหลุม หรือพรวนดินแล้วนำไปโรยรอบๆ โคนต้นผสมคลุกเคล้าให้เข้ากัน สามารถใช้ได้ไม่จำกัดปริมาณ เพราะปุ๋ยหมักมีธาตุอาหารที่ไม่สูงจนเกิดอันตรายกับต้นไม้ หากต้องการเพิ่มผลผลิตอาจเพิ่มปุ๋ยเคมีร่วมด้วยก็ได้
Tips :
1. เปลือกถั่ว ฟางข้าว ผักตบชวา ใบไม้แห้ง หญ้า สลายตัวได้เร็ว ขี้เลื่อย แกลบ ชานอ้อย ข้าวโพด สลายตัวได้ช้า จึงไม่ควรนำทั้งสองประเภทมาหมักรวมกัน เพราะจะทำให้ได้ปุ๋ยที่ย่อยสลายไม่สม่ำเสมอ
2. ควรหมักหญ้าผสมกับวัสดุอื่น เช่น ใบไม้ กิ่งไม้ เพราะหากใช้หญ้าอย่างเดียว จะเกิดการอัดตัวสานไปมาของหญ้า จนไม่มีอากาศในกองวัสดุ ซึ่งจะส่งผลต่อการเกิดจุลินทรีย์ได้
3. ปุ๋ยหมักช่วยทดแทนธาตุอาหารได้เช่นเดียวกับปุ๋ยเคมี หากแต่ช่วยปรับปรุงดินให้ร่วนซุย รากต้นไม้เจริญเติบโตได้ดี ต้นไม้หาอาหารได้ง่ายขึ้น
สำหรับสวนสวย ต้นไม้งามของคุณค่ะ
The majority of plants need an average of 1 inch of waterevery week, but it is essential you check how much watereach specific plant needs as you don't want to over water,neither deprive your plants from the amount of water theyneed.
It is best watering your plants before sunrise reallyas your plants will get the most from the water and it won'tevaporate as much as it would if watering during theafternoon.If you happen to notice any plants drooping, makesure you replenish them with plenty of water quickly - someplants may wilt and will not recover if the plant dries out.Stay tuned for your next gardening tip.
To your dream garden,
Daniel Murray
P.S. Don't forget to check out "The Gardener's Handbook"
bygoing here:
"Sugary soft drinks...a Plants Favorite!"
Ever find a bottle of fizzy drink (ones that are packed withsugar) that has gone flat but there's still a fair bit left?Well from now on DO NOT chuck them out! They can be usedjust the same as plant food, and plants love the sugaryboost. It is not worth it with the diet alternatives becausethe sugar is cut down, so from now on any sugary soft drinksgoing spare, be sure to give your plants a treat!
Stay tuned for your next gardening tip.
To your dream garden,
Daniel Murray
P.S. Don't forget to check out "The Gardener's Handbook" bygoing here:
ทิปจากคุณแดเนียล ที่ส่งให้เรา
If you like to keep course flowers in a vase I'm sure you have had problems keeping the glass free of algae. Well a simple result to this, which will also keep the point flowers living and be them last longer, is to be a little whole of Vodka to the water in the vase.
It will make as bleach in the water and sanitize it which will keep algae from forming but also get the cutting flowers stop of forward of staying other and looking beautiful.
ใครที่มีประสบการณ์การปักดอกไม้ในแจกันไว้สักระยะหนึ่งแล้ว จะเริ่มมีตะไคร่เขียวๆ จับอยู่ใช่ป่ะคะ ให้ลองนำว๊อดก้าเติมลงในน้ำสักฝาหนึ่งค่ะ จะทำให้น้ำในแจกันใสไม่มีตะไคร่มาเกาะกวนตากวนใจเราอีกต่อไป แต่ถ้าจะให้ดี ดอกไม้ถ้ามันยังอยู่กับต้นจะสวนทนและนานกว่า คุณคิดอย่างนั้นมั้ยคะ
ป้ายกำกับ: Cut flowers, Gardening Tools
The Orang jessamine, This one of the about often used shrubs in new gardens, and for good reasons. It has pretty, light bad foliage, tolerates most conditions, and regularly clusters of small but strongly fresh good flowers, followed by small, brightness touched take. It makes a best hedge or back plant, geting in intermediate a small tree up to 12 Ft long, or it can be clipped into certain shapes, though this will reduce the second of flowers. In Southeast Asia, the most profuse flowers get during the rainy season. It prefers good sun but will have in part dark, in most any build of soil. It also does just as a can stock in greenhouses.
A best source of nutrition for your roses is banana peels and skins. Once skined you should establish the skins downwards with the insides seting still on the canvas ringing the roses. Leave them like this and offer them to access and offer the estate with nutrients and food for the roses. I also find any old take and veg. refuse are good for using in your compost as they run nicely and have go good nutrients for your even beds and mulch! Stay tuned for your being gardening best.
Todays gardening tip is:
"Innovative drip irrigation!"
I found a useful technique when I was not able to keep myplants hydrated during the day in the hot days of theSummer, was to use ice cubes in a plastic bag (a carrier bagor sandwich bag worked fine for me).You must poke holes in the bag, and then fill with icecubes. Place the ice cube filled bag on the top of the soilin the container, preferably some time early morning, anddue to the heat the cubes will melt gradually throughout theday ensuring your plants won't go thirsty!Stay tuned for your next gardening tip.
To your dream garden,
Daniel Murray
P.S. Don't forget to check out "The Gardener's Handbook"
bygoing here:
It is common when geting plants often as Brussels sprouts, catch, cauliflower, cabbage, radish, swede, salad dynamic, turnip, and wallflower to have brown spots seeming on the plants or mainly the leaves.
This is caused by the Flea Beetle, it feeds on the up part of a leaf but commonly does non eat the whole way through, and in the other and good weather it can have an important business. They are about 2-3mm long, usually red or an up low, some with an old lot on their back.
These areas make brown as that part of the leaf will get, and this is a free power a Flea Beetle is in the edge. To free of the beetle Doff Derris Dust and Vitax Derris Dust can be used as good as Py Spray Garden Pest Killer and Py Powder, but my favorite option is to simple rate along your plants having a hard used trap near to them in the still and you should have that the flea beetle will will the foliage and common on the trap. And find more garden tools.
ป้ายกำกับ: Your Leaves is Brown area